10 Feb 2016

How to Find the Best Water Damage Contractors for Your Emergency

Sometimes after a home experiences water damage—whether the damage itself is too severe for a DIY job, or the homeowner is too inexperienced to take on repairs alone—the most efficient way to reach a full recovery is by hiring one of your nearby water damage contractors.

It’s important to know that the longer you wait, the worse the damage will become—and the higher your bill is going to climb. It’s crucial to act fast. But how do you know which contracting company is the most reliable? How do you know what price range is even in the ballpark for your particular repair needs? By following these steps, you will know the characteristics and be on the road to locating the best water damage contractors for your emergency.

Word of Mouth

A good place to start is by chatting up your friends and neighbors. Believe me, even if you haven’t heard the story about your friend from college searching for decent water damage contractors in the past, it doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen. It’s imperative to remember that you’re not alone in this.

Online Presence

Almost every company today has an online presence, even small businesses. If you’ve heard about several water damage contractors from a friend, but you want to better judge them yourself, you can try looking them up. By browsing their websites you can find out which methods they follow, what equipment they use, and what types of damage repair they are certified in.

Weigh the Perks

You never know, when you’re playing online detective you may even find a perk that you weren’t expecting. For example, if you are in the San Francisco Bay Area, here at Vital Restoration we will not only guarantee that your home be returned to pre-damage condition if you hire us for the job, but we also offer a free evaluation of the damage and an estimate of how much it will cost to fix. And we’re not just calling it free to reel customers in and charge them for something else—it’s actually free, even if you don’t hire us for your repair.

Another great perk to look out for—and another perk that is offered here at Vital Restoration—is 24-hour emergency service. If a pipe has burst in your home, you do not have to wait until office hours to call. The damage shouldn’t worsen while you wait for your scheduled appointment time. We’re here to help you out when you need us.


While doing research on a company can be pivotal to your choice, there’s nothing better than taking the advice of those who have actually dealt with the companies before. Your friends, family, and neighbors may only have experience with a few different contractors—they might not be aware the many other companies out there. However, the thousands of individuals in your area may have a better idea, and they are letting their voices be heard on online review sites. All you have to do is read.

When choosing the best contractor, you don’t want any fluff—you want the hard truth. And who better to give that to you than those who are not benefitting from a positive or negative review?

Call Vital Restoration

By following these steps, you will be on track to finding the best water damage contractors for your specific type of emergency. For those of you in the San Francisco Bay Area who are interested in learning more about how Vital Restoration can help, call us today.